nice to have

At the beginning of our summer we did some fishing. Or at least the boys and their cousins did. If I won't eat them, I won't want to catch them either. I, did, however, find the fishing tackle that got caught on the rod quite beautiful - I not only photographed it, I also kept it in my pocket throughout the entire summer. Of course I had no real intention of using it (what would I use it for?) but it was nice to have, and to take out of my pocket and fiddle with every so often. At least a handful of times, when I had to empty my very full pockets for some reason or another, it was the cause of quite a few questions. But my pockets have been emptied, and filled up again, numerous times since our return. I can't very well return it to my pocket each time I change pants. Still, it hasn't yet been thrown away. Like so many other things, it now sits on my desk.

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