Some Oscar Wilde Info

It seems that everybody on the web has been quoting Oscar Wilde lately, but that doesn't mean that he didn't have a great deal to say.

Here I've compiled a list of information about and literature by Oscar Wilde. A similar site already exists, but some of its links don't seem to work well, so I've concentrated here only those that are actually funtional, and I've added a few comments of my own.

Here's a biography of Oscar Wilde. It's part of the World Wide Cemetery which is an interesting project in and of itself and deserves to be looked into.

All of the Short Stories and Prose Poems of Oscar Wilde have been gathered for anyone who needs them.

All of the poems have been gathered as well. This is part of the exceptional Project Bartleby of Columbia Univerity which seems to be devoted to proving that there really can be useful information on the internet.

The entirely of The Picture of Dorian Gray has been placed on the internet by Project Gutenberg. Before the start of the novella you can read some important information about that all-important project.

And perhaps best of all, about 380 quotations from Oscar Wilde have been put out there for all of us to savor.

And that should be enough for a while.

Feel free to browse at will, or return to a persona or two.

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