1)Oh Lebanon! All of your fruits I've tasted.2)A lesson in everyday Arabic.3)A concrete block - that's the defense the IDF supplies. In the end they even take that.
4)Lebanese soil - to prepare mud, add water and a crazy foreign policy.5)Rain water - especially fitting for the preparation of Lebanese mud.6)A must in every battle belt.
7)Once they had fences (and fields) these Lebanese.8)Pleasant guard duty.9)A few days of activity in the "war room".
10)A stone - like that thrown at us, and from the same place. There's no lack of more stones, children to throw them, or reasons.11)A stone - from Miki's grave. I wanted to throw this one.12)There's no bag that can contain the tears of a bereaved mother or of a young widow - the sorrow and the pain.
13)Sefi's mother always thought that this poem caught the distinctiveness of Israeli mourning.14)War or no war, a beach is a beach, waves are waves.15)Ah! Two and a half years ago.
16)A miniscule part of the IDF's bequeathment.17)Lebanese trash - find the differences.18)If there are no supplies, let them eat bread.
19)Here they don't ask - "soldier, you got chewin' gum?".20)Yes, Menachem. There are children in Lebanon.21)Oh, Lorrilee! Warm me tonight!
22)A sure cure for getting rid of phantom spirits in the night.23)An illuminating mortar - to light up the sky and wake me up.24)A real wounded person - even if he is just a "localer".
25)Handcuffs for a suspect - until it becomes clear that " "localers" also need their hands in order to urinate.26)At a moment of sunlight, a bonfire - to dry out our boots and our bones.27)A taste of the home front.
28)A popular Lebanese laundry soap - good against dirt, terrorists and conscience.29)Tatters from the tattered flag that few above our outpost.30)Yes, they stink.
31)Crotch-rot - a torture even the Shi'ites didn't invent.32)A soldier's thoughts are clearest in the outhouse.33)When it's totally unclear what tomorrow will bring, a "countdown calendar" becomes extremely makeshift.
34)It isn't heroism, but you can't get through without small injuries.35)Together we'll get through this headache.36)When leaving, one of us looks around and exclaims - "white marking tape always gets left behind".
37)My first shave after almost two weeks of water from jerrycans only.38)No words necessary.*Introduction