Week 10:       May 23 - May 29, 1991


It's a bit strange to be writing to you, but it seems to me to be about time for us to start to get to know each other. The books tell us that you're not much bigger than a grape, and that's not very big, is it? On the other hand, we also read that by now you've got all your internal organs, and that your eyes and ears have developed - do you know that you were listening to Beethoven's ninth symphony a couple of days ago? - so maybe it's not that strange to be writing to you after all.

Beethoven's ninth was sort of a strange experience for me since I found myself wondering just how you might be reacting to it - assuming of course that you were able to react to it at all. For me it's a moving and powerful experience, but maybe for you it was sort of like what happens when music is playing while I'm in the shower - all I can really make out is a heavy bass line.

I guess that you probably react more when your mother is playing or practicing. It must be pretty hard not to hear her. Are you learning to appreciate music, or are you going to resent being around so much music all of the time?

Your mother got her first glimpse of you today. You were ultrasounded, and it turns out that you're really there. She told me that there really wasn't that much of you to see, but that you certainly were real, and developing as the books say that you should. I admit that I was disappointed that your Mom didn't get to bring a snapshot of you home. As you can imagine (can you imagine? That's asking a bit too much I suppose) I was looking forward to seeing what you look like.



You're not much bigger than a grape, but I'm already picturing you as a whole cluster - a rich collection of characteristics and qualities that taken together will be you.