This exhibit offers drawings and scribblings prepared by members of Kibbutz Hatzor between the summer of 1982 and winter, 1984. These enlarged pictures are a representative sample of the various styles that appear in members’ drawings throughout that period. The collection has about 600 drawings that are perhaps half of all the works that were undertaken.

Almost all of the drawings were drawn on pages approximately 10 X 16 cm, either in pen or pencil. The choice of drawing tool was usually determined by the fact that only one utensil was available in the telephone booth at the time. The vast majority are the work of single artists, but on some we can find the contributions of two or three (and sometimes even more) on one drawing.

Two criteria were central to the selection of the drawings exhibited:

     1) In order to present the wide and varied range of the styles and approaches used in this medium
     2) The subjective taste of the curators, i.e., what they liked

Unfortunately, today this interesting technique is becoming obsolete. The many artists who excelled in exploiting the typical and special conditions of the technique, will no longer engage in it. This is probably the price of progress.

December, 1983