of negligible use

I can't remember the last time I used a pay phone, let alone one that uses tokens. Come to think of it, it's even hard to remember when it was that I last saw one. Suspense in movies can no longer be built around the hero's need to quickly find a pay phone, and Superman has to find some other place where he can modestly change into his costume. Today almost all of us have cellular phones, and if we do see a pay phone, it uses a magnetic calling card (which for a while were collectibles but are probably now passe as well). Just the same, I still have a telephone token in my bag.

There have been times when my cellular's battery has run so low that I can't get reception, or make a call. Perhaps a token might come in handy then? It's a nice thought, But even in such a situation, my chances of finding a phone that uses tokens is close to nil. So why do I still keep it in my bag? Nostalgia, perhaps. And of course the fact that it hardly takes up any space, and certainly isn't heavy, and that I don't have a more logical place to keep it. What's more, I hardly ever see it anyway, stuffed as it is into a pocket of the bag that I rarely access. So I guess the basic reason I still keep it is simply because I don't want to throw it out.

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