at least one piece is still here

Although I wanted to clear out and pack our belongings in an organized fashion, the urgency of doing so crept up on me more quickly than expected, and quite a number of objects didn't get packed as I might hope. Some of these became strewn around the house since our builders were even less conscientious about the items that were packed, but still left in the house, intending to be moved from room to room as the remodeling progressed.

One of the objects that suffered from this rush and negligence was a soft-foam puzzle that we've had for years. Frankly, I thought that we'd passed it on to younger children when we started packing, but when I found a few pieces of it here and there on our floor, I realized that we hadn't. I don't think that we really intended to save it, though perhaps Hila said that she wanted it. We won't know whether all the pieces still exist until we've moved back to the house and unpacked everything. It won't be the greatest loss if they don't.

  To: in the pockets of winter
To: A Digitized Life - main page