with nothing to open

Three months before our remodeling was complete enough to allow me to write this, our old front door was taken off its hinges. Sadly, it was only a few weeks before everything was finished and we were able to move back home, that a new door was finally put in place. In that lengthy interim "closing the door" meant lifting the old door and placing it in front of the opening, more or less creating the illusion that our house had a door and that it was closed.

But though the door was no longer something that might be opened or closed, I still kept the key to the door on my keychain - where it still sits, along with a number of other keys, most of which are for doors that I still encounter,
though a couple are simply leftovers from uses long since forgotten - as will, with time, probably be what happens to this key as well.

  To: remembering hard times
To: ... and build her a home
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