passing on the legacy

My sons don't seem to be particularly creative in their messiness. Pretty much like any other kids their age they track mud, leave things wherever they find them, and in general express an active disinterest in order and cleanliness. Sometimes, however, it's possible to identify a spark of genius.

Almost every morning I prepare them sandwiches which they take with them to school. And almost every morning, when I put new sandwiches in their school bags I also throw out those from the previous day. Almost.

Some days I don't prepare a sandwich - perhaps I've left for work before they get up; perhaps I'm rushed and don't have the time. Since I know that chances are good that they're not going to eat them anyway, I know it's not the greatest loss. And if for some reason a few days go by without my preparing a new sandwich, their old ones are on their way to becoming works of art.

I know very well that they're far from becoming full-fledged artists, but I can't help feeling a bit of pride when I finally do open up their bags and discover that my sons are learning to perfect the art of negligence. It's from small saplings that healthy oaks are bound to grow.

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