fold that cuff

With sweaters it's clear when their days of being worn are over. Too big a hole means "you can't be seen going out in that". But when the cuff of a good corduroy shirt frays, there's still hope. After all, almost all of my shirts are long-sleeved, and I almost always fold the sleeves up to my elbows. So a folded cuff means longer wear.

The logical question becomes, of course: if the sleeve is folded, how is it that the cuff became frayed in the first place? There's really only one possible answer - I've worn the shirt without folding the cuff. And that's also rather logical. More often than not a corduroy shirt gets worn when it's cool outside, sometimes even over a sweater. Thus folding the sleeve isn't always an option. Until it becomes a default option because the cuff is frayed.

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