Week 15:       June 27 - July 3, 1991


So you're already you - on that we've already agreed, even if neither of us really understands just what that actually means. My contact with you again this week has been mostly through talking with your mother on the phone. That's not much, but it's the best that we can do at the moment.

You and your mother seem to be adjusting to each other. She reports that for a few days running she's actually been feeling okay and not as though she has to vomit all the time. And I admit that I'm glad that you're learning to get along.

I often tell your mother that I'm jealous of her having the experience of carrying you, but maybe I shouldn't exaggerate. This past week I had one day of a seriously upset stomach, and if this is what your mother feels most of the time, please forgive her if in the future she calls you a pain - at least during her pregnancy she was definitely right.

And maybe I'm willing not to be too much of a hero and let her carry you - that's the way things seem to work anyway.



A seriously upset stomach gave me a chance to identify with your mother this week. Call me a coward, but I'm certainly willing to forego nine months of feeling like this.