Week 25:       September 5 - September 11, 1991


This was the first week in quite a while that your mother didn't feel fine throughout the week. She's still pretty fussy about her diet and she drinks a lot of soda and chews gum constantly - things she never did much before. But on the whole these have become part of her routine and she's been feeling well. Until this week, of course. We're not sure you had anything to do with that - perhaps she simply ate something that didn't agree with her and had an upset stomach for a few days. But even if that's the case, your jumping around all the time didn't help too much. She often reported to me that just when she felt her stomach calming down you'd start with your exercises and get things moving again.

And back to the books, they report that your mother might be getting cramps every so often. She is. During this week she even woke me in the night to pull on her leg to ease one of those cramps - but the next day, when she reminded me of that event I had absolutely no recollection of it. I may have woken up and done my job, but I apparently fell asleep immediately afterwards and simply forgot the event. And this brings me to ask a bit of forgiveness on your part if you get the feeling that I'm letting your mother do all the hard work. There simply seem to be some tasks that I'm physically unable to share with her.


Chewing gum and soda!
Now is that any sort of diet
for a pregnant woman to be on?