Week 21:       August 8 - August 14, 1991


Today, Wednesday, we saw you. Who knows. Maybe for the rest of your mother's pregnancy we'll be carrying your photograph around in our pockets, whipping it out like proud grandparents at the least provocation in order to show how cute you are. Not that you're all that cute - or more to the point, that we can really see that much of you. Your mother was ultrasounded again today, and this time I went with her. And right up there on the screen I was able to see just about all of you as the technician spun his magic wand over and around your mother's womb. It was good that we had him as a tour guide because we might not have been able to really make much out of you. At first we simply had to believe him when he told us that we were looking at your head, or arm or leg. But after a while we got adjusted to the picture and it was very clear that it was really you that we were looking at. And you know what? You looked fine not only to your parents but to the technician as well. He says that all your parts are properly in place, and again and again we saw your heart (little more than a tiny dot) beating rhythmically. You can imagine that seeing that was a very special event.


Your first photograph! That's you in the center of the ultrasound, though I admit that from this shot it's pretty hard to get much of an idea of what you look like.