Week 28:       September 26 - October 2, 1991


You've been getting around quite a bit lately. For the past three weeks your mother has been playing in an orchestra and for you that has meant traveling to rehearsals and to concerts. Have you been aware that you've been so active?

I'm not really sure that it would be accurate to say that you've been part of the audience at these concerts. After all, you sit on the stage with the other musicians. On the other hand, you haven't been making music during these concerts, nor causing your mother to change what she's been trying to play. The literature tells us that for quite a while already you've been able to respond to sounds and especially to music, but it seems that when your mother is playing you're quieter than you normally are. Does that mean that the music calms you? Or perhaps you dislike the music and don't want to dance to it? I guess that your mother has been lucky that you haven't caused her to make mistakes by dancing around just when she wants to ht a high note, making her flub a note instead. But you might give her a sign that you enjoy the music. And you should know that you're going to have to get used to it.

I have to admit that I really have no idea of what it would be like to have you growing inside me - all I have to go on is what your mother reports to me. This week she gave me an interesting metaphor to help me understand things better. I was popping popcorn for the two of us when she told me that that was what it felt like when you were in one of your active periods - as though popcorn were popping inside her, randomly hitting against her in almost every direction.


You jumping around all the time made your mother feel as though popcorn was popping inside her womb. A very strange feeling, I have to admit.